An Avalonian Aphrodite April?

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings.   Today’s post is about the concept of Aphrodite April and how you can incorporate it into your own magickal lifestyle if you wish to.    I did write about Aphrodite April last year, as I do find it such a great way to get in touch with self-love and sensuality, but this time, I want to focus on incorporating Aphrodite April into your own magickal practice, even if you are not primarily Hellenic, as I am not myself!   First, let’s look at what Aphrodite April is for those who are unfamiliar with the concept.   As the name suggests, this is a time of celebrating the Greek Goddess Aphrodite during the month of April, leading to the fun alliteration.    It also can be seen to have roots in ancient festivals, as Aphrodite and her Roman counterpart Venus were celebrated many times during the Spring and Summer months.    In fact, today is April 1st, which most modern people will think of as April Fool’s Day here in the US, but in ancient Rome, April 1st was known as Veneralia a festival in honor of Venus!

Aphrodite April is the perfect time to celebrate not only the Greek Goddess of Love but your own connection to all things sensual.    Of course, my own practice is Avalonian, and therefore rooted in Celtic cultures, so the question arises, how do you marry the two?   Well, obviously you can simply celebrate Aphrodite April in a more traditionally Hellenic way or in a way rooted in ancient Rome.   But, you can also bring together the energy of Aphrodite April and the Faery Lifestyle.    This is not removing Aphrodite Venus from Her original pantheon, but instead infusing Aphrodite Venus energy with Celtic culture.   In fact, this was done very commonly during the Roman occupation of Britain, due to the Romans viewing all of the Celtic deities through the lens of their own pantheon and often fusing them together!   Interestingly, we know that the worship of Aphrodite spread very far and wide at the height of the Greek and Roman cultures.    There was even a tomb of a Priestess of Aphrodite found in Russia, which I wrote about last year!   This proves the potent energy of this Goddess was truly felt the world over. 

Basically, all of this serves to show that we can celebrate Aphrodite alongside the Celtic Goddesses whose energy merges well with Her own.    Any Goddess whose story is centered in love or sexuality carries a bit of a Venusian connection, meaning that you can celebrate Blodeuwedd, Rhiannon, Guinevere, Isolt, Aine, and Maeve during Aphrodite April, for example.    They are by no means the only Celtic Goddesses that have a bit of Venusian energy, but just some that came to mind when writing this post.   Honestly, there is no shortage of romantic and sexually associated Goddesses in Celtic myth, so Venusian energy is very present in the Celtic beliefs, making it an interesting task to celebrate Aphrodite Venus along with other Celtic sexuality Goddesses, much like the Romano Celts may have very well done in the past!   No matter how you choose to incorporate Aphrodite April into your own spiritual practice, it is a great time to celebrate the energy of love and sexuality all around us, as with Spring in bloom, the fertility of the land is truly manifested!

I hope you have enjoyed this short look at the concept of infusing Aphrodite April into your own spiritual practice, whether rooted in Hellenism or not.   Do you celebrate love and sexuality in April?   Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!   

Tarot Note: I have a page offering tarot and oracle readings for those interested in these services!    I am very happy to be offering these readings to my treasured readers at White Rose of Avalon!  Link to page:

Further Reading